I'm so glad you're here! Fast Forward Freelance is your guide for everything you need to know for the first year of freelancing. On this dashboard, you'll find links to all the chapters, bonus content, and times for upcoming office hours.
If you ever have questions or need support, there is a form at the bottom of the page to contact me.
Creator, Fast Forward Freelance
Office hours will be held twice a week for 3 weeks starting on October 15th, and ending on November 1st. Each session has a theme, but you're welcome to ask questions on any topic each week. I will always send out an email reminder before the call. The weekly times for this cohort will be:
In this session, we'll answer any initial questions about the course content in an open discussion.
We'll focus on questions about management and organization.
We'll focus on questions about contracts, legal structures, and potential business conflicts.
Submit your portfolio for review, or ask about positioning, pricing, and promoting your work.
We'll focus on questions about how to grow your freelance business, whether to scale, and how to find long-term success.
Any final questions about the course, freelancing, or where to go next? Ask them here!
Looking to connect with other creatives? Need to refer work out to another designer? Browse the Fast Forward Freelance alumni directory.
I'm happy to answer questions about the course or offer support where I can. I would encourage you to save your questions for office hours, but if need support outside of those sessions you can get in touch with this form. I'll do my best to get back to you in 1-2 business days!